22 Feb (New Video Post) “Give Your Self Permission/Write A Contract to Love” – #SelfLove
Happy Self Love Saturday!
I’ve told you guys a lot about my self love journey and the many steps I’ve taken to getting myself to the positive head space that I’m in now. But before the love notes, and vision boards I had to give myself permission to truly love myself and to ultimately live to my potential. I wrote a contract with myself to help to get going and to have no choice but to hold myself accountable. If you’re struggling in any way with beginning your self love journey I suggest you do this and hold yourself accountable to hold up to your end of the bargain. Check out the video below on my story, Happy Self Love Saturday!
Ashley A.
Posted at 15:17h, 22 FebruaryGreat post! I think I may try that contract because that’s a great idea. I love what you say about giving yourself permission! Also, what’s been helping me is turning my “go hard, give it 110 percent all day err day for other people mentality” toward myself! Giving my own self love journey that commitment is part of self love. FYI a friend gifted this book/journal to me called “Do one thing every day that scares you.” I love this book, you should check it out.
Posted at 21:01h, 22 FebruaryThank you for the book suggestion, I’m going to check it out!
Posted at 21:00h, 22 FebruaryI love it Andrea! Your videos make me so happy when I’m finished watching them I get happier more POSITIVE 🙂
Posted at 21:00h, 22 FebruaryYour just an awesome and great speaker I really needed to hear this today. Thank you so much! keep up the great work.
Reply ·
Posted at 23:22h, 22 FebruaryDear Andrea,
My name is Amina and I live in the Netherlands. I reallllyyyy love your videos. Especially the self love saturday updates. I’ve started keeping up a daily journal where I write myself a positive message every morning. A self love note. I realise that sinces doing this for a week now. My days have been much more positive. I feel like I start my day more positive. Anyway the reason why I am commmeting is because I have a question. Is there an example of this so called contract. If not do you have suggestions on what I could write down.
Ik hope to hear from you soon.
Much love, Amina
Posted at 00:17h, 24 FebruaryHey Amina,
Thanks for the support! My suggestion for the contract is write something simple ex “I promise for the next 365 days to put myself first in all situations, to be kind to myself and to go after everything I want without fear or doubt….” the contract could be much longer than this but this is a small example of what your own contract could look like. The point of this contract is to hold yourself accountable, sign it and date it and keep it in a place that you can read it on a regular basis so that you remember that you made a promise with yourself. Let me know if you need anything else, good luck! xo
Posted at 00:34h, 23 FebruaryHi Andrea, I just wanted to tell you that i think u’re so fly. I just watched all of black actress and i think it’s amazing, and it’s crazy that u did all of that on your own. Super Amazing, u’re definitely my inspiration. U’re super talented. Stay beautiful, stay blessed. Love, Dalia
Posted at 00:09h, 24 FebruaryThank you Dalia! xoxo 🙂