12 Mar (New Video Post) Self Care – Hair Routine @MixedChicks Gift Pack Giveaway
Happy Self Love Saturday!
Today I am doing a giveaway with some of my favorite hair products from Mixed Chicks Hair Care. To be entered into the giveaway use the above image and post it on twitter or instagram with the my handle @MissAndreaLewis (twitter) or @AndreaLewis (Instagram) and the hashtag #selflove or #selflovesaturday
This video is inspired by a question from last weeks #SLS video about self care. Self care is very important to me and I encourage everyone to take the time out of their week to properly care for themselves through exercise, prayer, good food, laughs, good company and having some time for yourself to be still. In this video I give you guys a look at my hair care routine which is my regular Sunday ritual.
Mixed Chicks Giveaway Gift Basket!!!
Mixed Chicks: In the Press - Mixed Chicks
Posted at 13:20h, 14 September[…] http://missandrealewis.com/…/new-video-post-self-care-hair…/#mixedchicks #haircare #hair #curlyhair #naturalhair […]